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16 Mei 2012

information on jobs

You may think that going through college is going to mean you know all there is to know, and you are going to land a great job right away. Hopefully, in your case, that is the truth. However, it is rather tough out there, and that means you have to take on the attitude that you are going to learn as you go, and that even with your education, you know nothing when you first start out. That is what is going to make your career great. One thing that you should always be looking for is information on jobs that fall within your education and experience.

You can prepare all you want in college, but the realities of the real world are tough on anyone at first. You can go to many interviews with your head in the clouds, but you will come right back down to earth when you realize the positions are not what you thought. If you have not taken the time to find information on jobs that you should be applying for, and what you have to do to get those jobs, you may find your interviews are a waste of your time. It is always smart to find information on jobs before you go so you are better prepared.

What may also surprise you is that information on jobs is going to be something you need as you move on throughout your career. It is not just something you need before your first job. If you are not up on what is going on, you are going to render yourself obsolete in your field. The information on jobs you find will help you understand where the changes are happening, and what you must know or do to keep up and get that next great promotion or job offer.

If you don’t know where to look for job information, you can start with any periodicals that are meant for those in your field, if there are any. You can also look around on job sites to read some of the ads that are up and what many companies are looking for in your field. You may find that this information on jobs tells you that you are up to date and doing fine, but you never know. You may find out about new trends this way, and that might lead you to go in a better direction. Don’t rest on your qualifications, but instead, always look for ways to make yourself more attractive to your current or future employers.

Find Great Part Time Jobs for Students

When you're in college, life can start to get a bit tough. Suddenly you're paying for things on your own and the bills begin to pile up. Yikes! Whether you knew it or not, an apartment, a car, insurance, gas, food, classes and books all cost money. You'd better believe that all those expenses can get overwhelming at times. Naturally your student loans won't always cover everything. Fortunately there are a number of great part time jobs for students available. It's up to you to find one that suits your schedule and needs as a full-time or part-time student.

So, where do you begin a routine search for part time jobs for students and employment opportunities while in college? That's an easy one! Even if you don't have a personal computer with Internet access, you can always take advantage of a school computer to seek out wonderful part time jobs for students that can really help you get a handle on the finances. Not to mention have a little cash for the weekends. Now, before you hop online and scramble to find excellent job opportunities for students, it's wise to think about your school schedule and how much you'll actually be available to work. Write this information down and develop an availability schedule. This way when you scour cyberspace for part time student jobs, you'll already know when you can and can't work. This will likely rule some potential part time jobs out of the picture. The last thing you want to do is act like you're available around the clock just to get a specific job. This will come back to bite you in the butt rather quickly. Suddenly you'll be grappling with some major school and work time clashes. Remember, school is priority! You merely need a job to help afford it. There really are part time positions that work quite nicely.

Make use of great search engines and websites like jobapplicationform.co, onlinejobapplications.biz, e-locker.com, groovejob.com, jobdoggy.com and college helpers.com. These websites are awesome if you're a college student seeking part time employment. Searching online sure beats hitting the streets on foot, going from business to business, scanning for "help wanted" signs in windows. Also, you can better narrow down the type of part time jobs for students you're interested in.

22 Nov 2010

Ubah Kebiasaanmu Dalam Membuat Curriculum Vitae

Curiculum vitae atau seringkali di sebut resume, bahkan beberapa orang menyebutnya daftar riwayat hidup, merupakan senjata utama bagi pelamar kerja untuk menjual dirinya. Menjual disini maksudnya adalah memberikan deskripsi melalui tulisan dalam tidak lebih dari 2-3 halaman mengenai data pribadi, objective, pengalaman kerja, dan kemampuan yang dimiliki kepada calon pemberi kerja sehingga si calon pemberi kerja menjadi tertarik setelah melihat resume tersebut.
Dalam membuat resume usahakanlah menggunakan huruf-huruf yang sudah familiar, seperti times new roman, dan arial. dan sebisa mungkin jangan di tambahkan dengan gambar-gambar tertentu, apalagi gambar tersebut tidak ada hubungannya. hal ini di maksudkan agar ketika cv atau resume tersebut dikirimkan melalui email, dan kemudian dilakukan screening oleh tim calon pemberi kerja diharapkan tidak ada kesalahan gramatikal/struktur yang terjadi karena tidak terbacanya jenis font atau format gambar tersebut. Ada beberapa kesalahan umum yang seringkali kita tak menyadarinya saat membuat cv, kesalahan-kesalahan apa sajakah yang sering dilakukan, penjelasan rinci mengenai ini bisa dibaca di sini.